FreezerKitchen utensilsHeaterTowelsIce makerRefrigeratorNespresso Coffee machineShowerPillows and blanketsSinkOutside deck speakersRadio CD / MP3 player / Audio systemBiminiWatermakerBow thrusterSolar panelsOutside GPS plotterBathing platformSnorkel setsInverterOutside showerRadarGeneratorHydraulic gangwayCockpit in teakBimini top in cockpitFridge in cockpitSwimming ladderExterior showerAir conditioning throughout the boatUnderwater lightsFridge and freezerDining table and sofasMusic stereoSpeakersSeabobsSea BedSUPSnorkeling Equipment
Compulsory Extras
Beach Towels
Daily charters include: Wine 1 bottle per 4 persons, water, beer, softdrinks, light snacks and fruits