Type: Sailboat
Built Year: 2023
Lenght: 14.60 m.
Guests: 8
Cabins: 3
WC / Showers: 3
Equipments & Optionals
GPS PlotterLogCompassWind stationBinocularsEcho sounderVHFClockBarometerChart instrumetsItalian Waters Pilot Handbook in EnglishLogbookBearing compassAutopilotFridgePillows TowelsBlankets Hot waterCD playerCooker with oven StereoCutleryKitchen equipmentItalian espresso coffee makerCabin & dining area fan Coffee filtersTable clothTableShore power ACLiferaftSafety harnessesLife jacketsHorseshoe lifebuoy and lightRepair kit for engine,sails and tenderExtinguishersFirst aid kitElectric torchFog hornElectric and manual bilge pumpWooden plugsSheersHalogen lamp Emergency tiller for wheel steeringLife line Scuba security float Flare packBow thrusterWinch handlesRopeWater hose Bathing ladderBosun's chair Funnel Water, petrol, outboard fuel tankGas bottles (Gas included) BucketOutside showerDeckbrushTable Cockpit speakersWind breaker jacket Cockpit cushion Work glovesCable 220V with battery chargerElectric windlassGangwayWheelTender with rigid keel & two oarsInflatorBoathook Engine oil containerBimini topEmergency anchorFenders AnchorLazy jackSprayhoodWind scoopLazy bag