Navigation LightsDepth GaugeLog/SpeedoWater HeaterMooring RopesFire extinguisherFirst aid kitLiferaftBinocularsLife jacketSpeedometerWC pumpHolding tankElectric toiletAutopilotVHF RadioAnemometerBarometerNavigation chartsDividerQuartz clockPilot books for the Adriatic (Croatian and English versions)Raymarine i70s multifunction displayRaymarine Axiompro 9 multifunction touchscreen display with WiFiCartography navionics silverNavicolor battery monitoringTriangleSmall maps of the Adriatic (northern and western part)Bimini topCockpit cushionsCockpit tableSwimming ladderCockpit showerSwim platformSpray hoodMain anchor with chainSpare anchor with 50m of rope & extra 10m of chainFendersEmergency tillerTeak wood in cockpitShore power cableCockpit speakersPump for dinghyCockpit lightElectrical windlassGangwaySecond anchor roller + tack point reinforcementStorm anchorElectric bilge pumpBoat hookJerrycan of dieselOutdoor glass protectionsDinghyExtra batteriesRadar reflectorSearch lightsEmergency signalsFire axeRepair kitToolboxSafety harnessesFog hornBed linenPillowsBlanketsFansUSB connectionBow thrusterSteeringWater hoseBattery chargerWebasto heatingRadio AM/FMDouble stainless steel sinksElectric winchStove - gasOvenGalley equipmentGas bottleFridge
Compulsory Extras
Charter pack 2024 (Final cleaning, Wi-Fi (50 GB), parking in Marina Rogač, bed linen, the basic package (one small towel, 1 roll of toilet paper per bathroom, dishwashing liquid, kitchen sponge, kitchen cloths, a gas bottle for the kitchen)