Electric Halyard WinchFull batten Main SailFurling GenoaLazy JackAutopilotDepth GaugeGPSGPS ChartplotterLog/SpeedoMain Deck CompassVHFCockpit SpeakersRadio/CDAir ConditioningHeatingHot Water SystemBathing PlatformBiminiDeck ShowerElectric WindlassDinghy with Outboard MotorMain Sail Full Batten/Lazy JacknewCooker with ovenFreezerAir conditioning all cabinsSUP include priceSunbedDinghyOutboard engineCockpit tableAutopilotBow thrusterRadar reflectorEchosounderBearing compass in the cockpitGPS plotter in the cockpitWind instrumentsBiminiSprayhoodLogVentilatorsMP3 player -radioCockpit showerHot waterElectric toiletElectric winchesPasereleSolar Panels
Compulsory Extras
Service Pack (includes final cleaning, bed linen and towels and is independent of the number of people on the crew list)
Engine outboard included
SUP - included
Optional Extras
Wifi 1GB
One way (Athens- Rhodes)
Wifi 2GB
One way (Athens-Kos)
Wifi 4GB
SUP (second)
Wifi 3GB
Charter Summary
Sun Odyssey 469 2013 - Tintabella - Alimos MarinaJeanneau