Life jacketsBarometerBinocularClockDividerHandbearing compassNavigation charts setNavigation rulerPen and pencil setPilot bookTriangleBosun chairDistress flares boxFire extinguishersFirst aid kitFlash lampFoghornTool setWindlass handleWindlass remote controlAir ConditionAutopilotBathing platformBattery chargerBiminiBowtrusterCockpit showerDepth speedElectric windlassElectrical bilge pumpElectrical water pumpGPS chartplotter in cockpitHeatingHot waterLCD TV with DVD or USBMotor batteryOutside speakersRadio with CD or MP3 playerRefrigerator 12VRoll main sailSelf Tacking JibService batterySprayhoodVHFWiFiWindAnchor + chainBlack ballBlack coneBoat hookBucketDeckbrushDinghyEmergency helmFlat fendersFunnelGangwayGas bottlesJerrycan for fuelJerrycan for waterLife raftLifebuoy with lightOars for dinghyOutboard engine holderPump for dinghyRadar reflectorRound fendersSecond anchor + chainShore power lineSpongeWater hose
Compulsory Extras
Tourist tax
Charter pack (end cleaning, gas, bedding)
Optional Extras
Safety net
Skipper (+ food)
Pets on board
Outboard engine
Towel set (per person)
SUP (Stand Up Paddle)
Hostess (+ food)
Charter Summary
Oceanis 51.1 2018 - Marea - Marina MedulinBeneteau