Roll GenuaFlagFendersBoat hookBow anchorElectric anchor winchRopeSpare anchor and ropeWater containterWater hoseFuel container (empty)Fuel funnelBucket with ropeBrushSpongeShore connection 220 V cableBilge pump leverBiminiSprayhoodChair for mastImpeler for cold water pumpUse of diesel Water tankSteering wheelWinch handleStern showerBathroom/WCStart battery 12VService battery 12VV-stropBattery chargerToolsetCockpit tableFuel tankReserve motor oilFurling main sailSpeedometerEcho sounderCompassNavigation setNavigation chartsPilot bookVHFBinocularsHand bearing compassWind gaugePlotter and chart in cockpitGas bottleGas cookerElectric refridgeratorSinkCutleryBlanketsSheetsBed clothesDress hangersWash basinWC - brushClock and barometerRadio/CD/USB playerYacht keys12 V connection220 V connectionDinghyDinghy pumpGangway Map of boat documentsLife buoySignal flaresSafety beltsLife jacketsLife buoy lightFire extinguisherFirst aid kitFog hornTorch