BowthrusterInverterSternthrusterShorepowerRefrigerator with small freezercompartmentGasstoveGass bottleRudderindicatorDepth measureWater (cold)Water (warm)220V PowersocketsFuel measureRadio/CDTVHeatingMicrowave with oven
Compulsory Extras
End cleaning
Optional Extras
Parking place (per car) First parking space free
Kitchenset (teatowel, kitchentowel, 2 cleaning wipes) per set
Bicycle (max. of 2)
Lifejackets (children without swimming diploma free)
Bed linen (blanket, pillow and all necessary sheets)
Skippertraining 2 h mandatory when no motor boat experience
Charter Summary
Merenpoort 1100s 1993 - Lucida - De KoornwaardFountaine Pajot