Type: Catamaran
Built Year: 2009
Lenght: 12.61 m.
Guests: 10
Cabins: 4
WC / Showers: 4
Equipments & Optionals
Electric toiletRefrigeratorHolding tankHot waterSolar panelUSBAutopilotColor chart plotterRadarPilot booksSpeed, depth, wind displaysVHF radioAutomatic life jacketsSafety harnessesDistress flares kitFirst aid kitFire extinguisherLife buoy with loghtLife raftDinghyOutboard engine220V shore connectionThermometerCockpit cushionsBarometerCockpit speakersElectric winchesGangwayHardtopLazy bagLazy jackSprayhoodSwimming platform with showerTeak cockpitElectric windlassInverterSnorkeling equipment