Hot waterFurling genoaFull batten main sailSprayhoodBiminiVHFWindlass elect.DinhgyBatteryCharge Battery and Shore current 220 Volt.Deck showerTeak in cockpitSafety equipmentLog and Echo sounderWind direction and speedLoudspeaker stereo in cokpitStern anchorGPS in cockpitElectric windlassTenderShore current 12 VoltNavigation instrumentsGalley equipmentMainsail battened with lazy jacks
Compulsory Extras
One Way Alghero
End cleaning
One Way Carloforte Cagliari
Optional Extras
Safety net (if available)
One Way Olbia/Portisco
Lines-Towels set double (sheets, case, towels)
Hostess, babysitter+food
Technical assistance (per hour)
SUP (stand up paddle)
Linens-Towels set single (sheets, case, towels)
Wifi on board
Charter Summary
Hanse 495 2012 - White Vertigo - CarloforteHanse Yachts