220 V cableAutopilotBathing platformBattery chargerBimini topBow thrusterCockpit showerCockpit tableDouble wheel rudderEco/Log/Speedometer Electric refrigeratorExternal showerFurling GenoaFurling MainsailGPS plotterPlotter GPS (on cockpit)SprayhoodTeak cockpitVHFWind instruments Wind stationWindlass electric 220v and USB socketsFan per cabinGrill BBQ on cockpitInverter 220VRadio&Music playerRefrigerator Warm Water
Compulsory Extras
SERVICE PACK M4 (final cleaning - gas bottle - bed linen 1 set/person)
Optional Extras
Eco-friendly products pack
Damage waiver (deposit with waiver 500 €)
"Bed made" service (to be requested two weeks in advance) / Price per cabin
Outboard engine
Breakfast box
Charter Summary
Elan Impression 45.1 2021 - Corgi - CannigioneElan