Type: Sailboat
Built Year: 2021
Lenght: 11.99 m.
Guests: 8
Cabins: 3
WC / Showers: 2
Equipments & Optionals
Inflatible Life RaftGMDSSEPIRBSafety HarnessesLife JacketsHorse Shoe BouyVHFFloating LightBox of FlaresTorchFirst aid KitEmergency TillerNavigation LightsBosun´s ChairAnchor BallSteering wheelSolar panelsFurling mainsailTeak CockpitLed lighting in cabins and saloonDelta anchorBattery Charger + WireElectric Bilge Pump12V, 220V SocketDeck ShowerSwimming LadderGangwayGalley EquipmentToolsGas BottleShips LicenceSail Repair KitDiving MaskFlippersHolding TankOvenAditional HatchesBiminiSprayhoodCockpit SpeakersDinghyHot WaterTowelsBed linenSecure ParkingRadio CD/MP3 playerElectric WindlassCockpit TableRefrigeratorSafeCushions for cockpit and sundeckSaloon upholstery Ambiance TurquoiseShades and screens for all hatches12V Twin USB Sockets in all cabins & saloonAutopilotColour Chart PlotterGPS PlotterEcho-SounderWind SpeedMain CompassSea ChartsPilot BookClockBarometerBinocularsHand Bearing CompassCockpit Control PanelElectronic Sea ChartsElectronic Harbour ChartsWindexList of LightsLogChart for internal watersBow thrusterPortable Generator No extra costPortable A/C Extra CostFans