AISVHF - HandheldWind instrumentAutopilotDepth GaugeLog/SpeedoMain Deck CompassRadarCockpit SpeakersRadio/CDTV + DVDBlankets on matrassPillows with coverTowelsHeatingHot Water SystemCockpit TentSpray HoodElectric WindlassKitchen utensilsCooker with ovenCutleryRefrigeratorEngine Battery (in Ah.)Service Battery (in Ah.)Shore Power ConnectionEPIRBInflatable Life jacketsAuxiliary anchorFire extinguisherFirst aid kitLifebuoyLiferaftMain anchorSafety harnessToolboxFurling GenoaLazy bagBinocularsDinghy with Outboard MotorMain Sail Full Batten/Lazy JackNavigation kitTorch Paper chartsElectronic chartsDen Norske Los 5Den Norske Los 6Harbour GuideTide tableLand lineFenderFender - ConeFender - StepNorwegian Cruising GuideRaymarine E80 ChartplotterSpare DieselBoat Hook