Type: Catamaran
Built Year: 2023
Lenght: 16.80 m.
Guests: 12
Cabins: 7
WC / Showers: 6
Equipments & Optionals
Bimini topCockpit showerCockpit speakers Cockpit table Large bimini on flybridgeSprayhoodTeak cockpitComfortable Swim laddersDinghyKayakSnorkelling setFull batten main sailAir ConditionBed linen & towelsCD playerDish washerFresh water extra tap filterGas stove and oven GeneratorHeatingHot waterHouse fridge freezer 635L with chilled water, ice maker and dedicated inverterIce makerMusic systemNespresso machine + capsules Smart TVWi-FiFan per cabinWine coolerMosquito screensEl. toiletsElastomer box springAutopilot GPSLife raftRadio