Sliding curtainsWatermakerBlanketsCockpit speakersRadioPillowsShower outsideSprayhoodOven and 3 burner stoveSwimming ladderGangwayKitchen equipmentAir Conditioning CabinsCockpit cushionsCushionsElectric WCGeneratorAir Conditioning DinetteHeatingLinensSolar panelsWinch handlesPump for dinghyPortable VHF radioVHF radioWind indicatorSafety equipment for 12 peplePilot bookPortable compassLazy bagLife lineList of lights and headlightsManual bilge pumpMooring equipmentOarsAutopilotBarometerBiminiBinocularsBoat cleaning kitCompassClockChartsDock cable connectionElectric bilge pumpElectric windlassFuel containerFull battened main sailFurling genoaGPS plotterInverterBosun's chairSquare top MainsailSteering wheelRadar deflectorOutboard engine 20 HPTender 3.40 mt
Compulsory Extras
Skipper + food. Remuneration payable directly to the Skipper, according to methods to be agreed directly with the same. The skipper is not our employee, but hired by client
Hostess mandatory + food
Transit log (final cleaning cat, bed linen and Towels mattress cover, pillowcase, bed sheet, large towel and small towel, covers), outboard engine, gas bottle, mooring first and last night in our base, check-in and check-out)
Optional Extras
Shopping service + galley (only with hostess)
Safety net
Kit snorkeling per person
Extra Bed linen and Towels for pax
Cleaning for PETS on board
Priority check-in at 14:00 (not available on BALI 5.4)
Damage waiver (€ 500 non-repayable fund + € 1.000 deposit)
Beach fridge (Coleman)
Portable barbecue
Seabob (Caution 400 €)
Canoe (2 places)
Late Check-in (after 20:00)
Inflatables platforms 2mt x 1mt
Beach towels per pax
Charter Summary
Bali 4.8 Anna 2020 - Anna - Capo d'Orlando MarinaBali Catamarans