Type: Catamaran
Built Year: 2022
Lenght: 14.86 m.
Guests: 12
Cabins: 8
WC / Showers: 7
Equipments & Optionals
Lazy BagFull batten Main SailLazy JackWheel SteeringMain Deck CompassAutopilotVHFGPSGPS ChartplotterChartplotterFusion MP3/Bluetooth playerCockpit SpeakersAir ConditioningHeatingHot Water SystemElectric WindlassDeck TentBiminiDeck ShowerCutleryNespresso Coffee MakerRefrigeratorFreezerCooker with ovenSinks (num.)Refrigerator 615ltShore Power ConnectionSolar Panel220V power outletGeneratorAuxiliary anchorFire extinguisherMain anchorFirst aid kitFloating lineLiferaftDistress flaresWatermakerDinghyLife raftLife jacketsFloating lightFirst aid kitEmergency tillerNavigation lightsSail repair kitSafety beltsFire extinguishersFire blanketWatermakerAir ConditionGeneratorSolar PanelsSolar panelsAir conditionElectric ToiletsWatermakerB&G plotterChartsGreek water pilotSpeed logWind instrumentsEcho sounderBinocularsAutopilotVHFChart plotter in cockpitHalyards and sheetsElectric anchor winchElectric winch 50,2 STAEHFull batten mainsailSelf-tacking jibSwimming ladderHydraulic GangwayFendersDinghy with outboard engineAnchor with chain & spare anchor with rope & chainInox caponsPillows in the aft deck, helm station and upper deck sunbedsBimini in the helm stationSprayhoodCockpit CushionsCockpit TableDeck ShowerLazy BagFans in saloon & cabinsSnorkeling GearWater makerOutboard EngineSnorkel Set (mask & fin)