Water maker A/CGeneratorFurling genoaSteering wheelBimini topElectric anchorInflatable dinghy with pumpGPS PlotterFull battened mainsailFly BridgeVHFAnemometerSea charts and cruising guidesLife raftLife jackets for all guests on boardAnchor ball and coneFirst aid kitDistress rocketsFog hornRadar reflectorFire extinguishersTure holesEngine spare partsWinch handlesItalian flagHorseshoe buoy with line and lightMooring linesEmergency rudderBoathookFendersBosuns chairBarometer - clockBinocularHand compassTool boxWater pilotNavigation rulerFlashlightBilge pumpBoats papersBlunketsAutopilotLazy bag
Compulsory Extras
STARTER PACK 15* end cleaning +2 gas bottles- bed linen + towels(one kit per person)- mooring at the marina for the entire charter period, not only first and last night- tender + outboard engine - water and electricity consumption in the marina
STARTER PACK 15 - 2 weeks*end cleaning +2 gas bottles- bed linen + towels(1 kit per person)- mooring at the marina for the entire charter period - tender + outboard engine - water and electricity consumption in the marina
Optional Extras
Nylon Hammock for 2 pax per week/a settimana
Security deposit payment at the base with credit card (Visa or Mastercard)
Early check in (by 2PM)
Beach towels / per person
Safety net
Check-in on Sunday
Unlimited Wifi per week/a settimana
Cushions in cockpit inlcuded
Deposit waiver catamarans up to 46' - to be approved by charter company after checking charter sailing skills (+ 2000€ refundable part)
Transit Log Cannigione per week/a settimana**
Skipper + food
zero deposit catamaran up to 46' (+100 for every week of part of it more)